
As early as 1989, 7 engineering colleges decided to meet in Ghent, Belgium and discuss international collaboration via the new Erasmus programme, among them ISEP Porto, Universitat de Girona, KAHO Sint-Lieven, DIT Dublin, KHLIM, Karel De Grote Hogeschool, HIKempen. A few years later 3 Erasmus networks were active with 17 partners, including also FH Aalen, ISIB Bruxelles, FH Merseburg, EIGSI La Rochelle and University of Udine.
After years of active student and staff exchanges all through the 90s, 11 Erasmus intensive programmes and numerous other projects, the group decided to keep on working together in a network after the reform of the Erasmus programme. And so it was at FH Darmstadt in 2000, that the Euclides network was founded.
At the moment the organisation has 18 members and is represented in 8 countries.
At present the Euclides network focusses on the organisation of international weeks but we are always looking for new opportunities to co-create international programmes and course modules.
Euclides network chairperson is Mrs Chris Huybrechts, International Relations Adviser of the Faculty of Technology at UCLL University of Applied Sciences, Belgium.